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SmartPost v0.6
smartpost0.6.rar RAR archive (521k)
smartpost0.6.zip ZIP archive (1062k)
this script transfers the existed XMail users database to SmartPost infrastructure.
You need this script only if you have already an XMail installation and want to implement SmartPost over it.
Before use this script you need to go through steps 2,3,5, and 6 of SmartPosts installation instraction.
After that steps you get workable Apache+php, IMAP server and SmartPost's SQL database.
REMEMBER! This script clears ALL the tables of SmartPost's database each time you run it and fills this tables again with the data from XMail.
Script DOES NOT affect XMail database.
xmail-1.17-1.i386.rpm Linux binary package
patched XMail 1.17 Linux binary compiled on RedHat9
You need this file only if you use XMail in a combination with Courier-IMAP
POP3Svr.cpp.diff patch source code
Apply patch to XMail:
cd <xmail-1.17-source-dir>
patch < POP3Svr.cpp.diff
You can also aply this patch manually, by editing the file. It's very short.
xmail-1.17.tar.bz2 XMail source code
After compilation you get the binary XMail.
Then just replace the original binary with this recompiled one.
Courier IMAP 2.0.0
courier-imap-2.0.0-1.9.i386.rpm Linux binary package
courier-imap-mysql-2.0.0-1.9.i386.rpm Linux binary package
patched Courier IMAP demon v2.0.0 Linux binary compiled on RedHat9
You need this file only if you use XMail in a combination with Courier-IMAP
courier-imap.diff patch source code
Apply patch to courier-imap:
cd <courier-imap-2.0.0-source-dir>
patch -p0 < courier-imap.diff
courier-imap-2.0.0.tar.bz2 source code
Hint! You do not need to recompile whole Courier after patch implementing. Recompile just imap demon. Go to ../imapd directory anr run make there.
After compilation you get the binary imapd.
Then just replace the original binary with this recompiled one.